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Monday, September 17, 2012

Rep. Rick Santorum Call Himself Stupid (I think?)

Enquiring minds find his recent statements lead to intriguing questions.  The Rep. on Sat. stated: “We will never have the media on our side, ever, in this country. We will never have the elite, smart people on our side.”
Despite the fact about the media being repeatedly proven untrue, I'm curious as to the definition of  "the elite," not to mention "smart." Sooo... being one of 435 in the entire U.S. sounds elite to me. Smart?  Able to read AND write?  Are elite &smart necessarily attached?
Then there is: "Santorum also criticized the libertarian wing of the Republican party who 'don’t want to talk about social issues,' saying that 'without the church and the family, there is no conservative movement, there is no basic values of America.'” Besides questionable syntax...
Read the Constitution lately?  Our founding fathers weren't exactly traditional Church members. So... none of them were Conservatives?  They had no basic values?  It boggles the mind...
It reminds me of the time I was out having breakfast one morning after an election I had run in as a liberal Democrat (lost to the long-time Republican liberal incumbent).  I ran into a candidate from a different race (who also lost) who is most definitely a conservative Rep. who also happens to be a staunch Catholic (whatever that means).  He met my family & we talked about many things- nothing political.  As we were leaving he remarked that, gee, he was surprised that I did have family values.  HUH???
But back to Rick's remarks.  Does this mean that ALL Republicans are neither elite nor smart?  Okay.  I can live with the latter (( especially after listening to Clint). His logic is impeccable, right?  Unless, of course, he is stupid.  Which would make his remarks applicable to him (except for the "elite" bit).  But who would give a fig for any remarks a non-smart man would make?  This just boggles the mind.  Does this mean I am smart?  Or... I can read &write after all.  Elite, too?
I think the most important point to be taken from the Santorum speech is (like Eastwood)... it certainly gave me LOL! lint, baby- great actor, director; lousy extemp speaker.  Next time- use the script someone has written for you.  (Rick, hon, r u listening? )  Umm, Just a thought- isn't Clint one of the "elite?"

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