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Friday, August 31, 2012

Happy Labor Day, Siemens in North East!


Hello, Cecil Whig- where the heck are you?  You covered sucessful unionizing efforts at the IKEA warehouse recently here in Perryville.  WHASSUP?  That one was peaceful (thumbs up to Ikea) & this one is not.  Could that be the difference?  You got me!
The conflict at Siemens (a German electronics & engineeringineering company)  has made national & international news.  The problem is being discussed on Facebook- with photos no less!  It's in North East, Md. and has 42 production employees.

In a nutshell: "It [Siemens] even just signed an agreement with labour organizations committing to respect workers’ rights around the globe. So what does Siemens do within days after signing this agreement? It launches a vicious union busting campaign. In Maryland, USA, Siemens has hired a top-dollar anti-union consultant and waged a campaign that’s included intimidation, surveillance, threats involving termination, and prohibiting Siemens employees from even talking about the union." source
Exactly what do the union busting tactics involve?  Well... you'll get fired!
Final vote to join the United Steelworkers is Sept. 6.  The Union has filed unfair labor charges against Siemens with the NLRB.


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