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Monday, January 21, 2019

Perryville’s Latest Tax Incentives for the Wolf, aka, a Wolf in wolf’s clothing

Click here for newest tax incentive proposal

Seems as if the proposal has changed a bit since it was first written for the Great Wolf Resorts. I think the wolf pack (that is what hotel employees are called) got a little push-back from the town, but merely a tap

While now there must be an initial job fair in the town, 200 must be employed from? Anywhere, there are still no demands for benefits or # of full-time jobs. This is what we’re getting. Do the math.  
Appx. 200 Jobs paying $24,000
There has been no cost estimates yet from the town.  Remember, we are helping to pay for this undertaking.  So exactly what are the costs and what are the benefits dollar wise to the town???There is a stipulation that the incentives must be sustainable to the town.  What does this mean?  The town always has them power to raise taxes so anything is “sustainable.”
 The Mayor has stated that this “is going to put Perryville on the map.”  Someone, please, show this man a map.  Perryville is there.
 Residents are staying 1.4 nights?  And all coming and going at different times? Gee, no checkout times or check-in times?  In staying 1.4 nights they are going to leave the resort & hit the town’s high spots?  An uneven playing field for other hotels/motel- you think?  How about other businesses?  

We are going to pay their taxes, infrastructure, plus plus?  Where is the upside?  What about fire protection?  Didn’t work so well at Owens Landing, did it?  

Yes, the proposal got cleaned up a bit, but needs a LOT more work. Thinking your taxes here might go down?  They may also go up.

I’m not seeing any upside yet, except for some instant fame.  If this deal ever goes sour,  watch out for anyone backing this project.

Beware the wolf pack. 

Special Meeting agenda. Jan. 22 at ? After 6:30 work session.

They may well vote on all this then.  I see no opportunity for public speaking. So, e-mail, call, or go anyway and speak.

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