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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"Heat Wave"

108 degrees is what my thermometer said.  And no real break in site.  High humidity, lousy air quality and, too damn hot!

The dog days of summer have cedrtainly brought forth this heat wave.  Thunderstorms are coming this weekend, but expect little in the way of heat release until Sunday when lower temps & humidity are predicted.

Hopefully, the power grid will hold.  Keep that a.c. going, but try and cut-down on other uses till after dark: run those dishwashers, driers, and clothes' washers after dark.

I slather myself with sun screen, try and stay inside, and wear a big straw hat when I reluctantly go out.  Even my cat eschews the outside deck until later in the day.

And drink.  Fluids, that is.  Lots of ice and water or juice.  What do you do to stay cool?

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