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Thursday, July 1, 2010

July Fourth in Havre de Grace

The city of Havre de Grace, MD hosts a parade, carnival, & fireworks every year.  I hear that it's quite a treat, but no first-hand experience.
Havre de Grace- interesting place.  Very pretty, on the water, a beautiful promenade, good restaurants; interesting, but small, shopping, and various activities.
It seems to be a joke among local residents in trying to get u to say the name of the city and then having a good laugh on you when they share the "correct" pronuncation of it; I learned how many years ago from a fellow student & now menswear designer, Daniel "Donald" Dolce, at Washinton College; a resident who was mildly unhappy with his hometown (to put it mildly).  Rhyme it with "have a disgrace" and you've got it right.
The truth is, those not from the city, but nearby, have many "correct" pronuncations for it.  So- have fun with it!!!  It drives the natives (and wannabes) cra-a-a-zy!  Proper names have no utilmately "correct" pronunciation, doncha know.
I'll be at all the above but likely will watch the fireworks quite comfortably (here's hoping) at Perry Point- just a hop, skip, and a jump from where I reside.  Just me, hundreds of others (likely), the geese (along with their poops), the deer, the vultures, the muskrats, the dropped-offed cats (thank you so much), etc., notwithstanding. 
You find your own good spot.  So what are you doing on the Fourth?  Please share!

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